July 8, 2018

In front of the camera was the last place that Meadow wanted to be. After the evening's events and her lack of sleep, she had no desire to try to pull it together and be a willing participant for Dayna's latest project. Her arrival at the young woman's studio had been greeted by a frown and an eye roll.

"You look like shit. Did you get no sleep at all?"

"Geez, why do you really tell me how you feel, Day." The grumbled response came from the willowy redhead as she pushed past the blonde, entering into loft studio and dropping down onto the overstuffed velvet couch, lips in a full pout as she left out a frustrated huff. She didn't see the shared look between the photographer and her makeup artist friend that stood only a few feet away, brush in hand, ready to get to work. When no one broke the silence, Meadow looked between the two women and grumbled. "Okay, so I didn't get much sleep, do you blame me? We fought over something stupid and and shut down and I just don't know how to deal with that."

"Ah, romance. Ain't it grand, Bea?" Dayna shared a smirked with the makeup artist before pulling the door shut and coming over to where Meadow had collapsed. There was a bit of a back and forth between the two, but she finally had the other woman back on her feet and was pushing her toward the area set up for the shoot. "So you had a disgreement. Who cares? You two will get over it, maybe get some kind of make up sexing out of it, and then all will be right in the world again. But for the love of god, please let Bea do something with your face before we start shooting because those dark circles under your eyes are making you look like you went a few rounds in the ring and lost."

There was more pouting that followed, but Dayna ignored it entirely as she began setting up. Reluctantly, Meadow went through the motions and allowed Bea to work her magic on her. Fair skin marred by dark circles suddenly became nonexistent, but her mood didn't manage to disappear as quickly. Seated in front of the camera on a stool, she sat slumped over. Abandoning her spot behind the camera, Dayna came to stand in front of Meadow, hands on her hips, a stern look on her face.

"Look alive, Morris. Or else I'm going to kick your ass." This caused the young woman's head to snap up quickly and she was rewarded with a smile from the blonde. "I knew the violence would inspire some movement. Listen, I get it, okay? I'm not...entirely heartless that I'm not concerned for your predicament. But all couples fight, disagree, get pissed off, and eventually come back together again. That's like, relationship 101."

"Yeah, I know, but it's been a while since I've been in a relationship and he's being so..."

"Stubborn? Heard headed? A straight pain the ass to even talk to? Yeah, I get that, beause that's what you're giving me right now." a sigh followed as the statement gained her a narrow eyed look from the redhead. "He's a guy, Meds. If they were all agreeable all the time, we'd probably complain about that, too. You all talked, it's time to take a beat and cool off...then try again. But sitting here, pouting like you are, completely ruining the vibe of this session? It's not goin to help."

There was a bite of the lip, followed by a wince. Great, now they'd have to reapply the blue lipstick that Bea had taken time to paint on only minutes before. She knew that Dayna was right. It was silly of her to act like a child over a situation that would, no doubt, rectify itself. Especially since she was always so adamant in trying to prove that she wasn't as young as he feared she was. "You're right, I'm acting like a brat."

"You are, and you're not one. You know what you are?"


"A bad ass. A stunning bad ass with excellent hair and flawless skin, and it's unfair that even an unnatural color like that," she paused to point out Meadow's lips, "Looks good on you. Now would you please buck the fuck up and let me take your picture before I run out of time to edit these and get them submitted for the exhibit I'm putting together."

After a few minutes, Meadow nodded her head slowly while a small smile started to appear. It seemed to satisfy Dayna, who took her spot back behind the camera before getting back into 'work mode'. She was right, she was always right. It was a simple fight, a disagreement that would no doubt blow over. She just had to adjust her thinking that a simple disagreement did not mean everything would soon come crashing down.

"Can I get a touch up on Meadow's lips, please?" Bea appeared seconds later, lip brush in hand and dabbed the color back on, checking her work then disappering once again. Satisfied with the update, Dayna adjusted the camera and began to direct, "Alright here go. Shoulders back, chin down, pouty pants. This'll be over before you know and you can get back to your pity party. Except I won't be attending. You're on your own there. Now just...sit still, look pretty."